
Raise more money, grow your donor base and better understand donor relationships with Easy-Ware’s fundraising tools.

Looking for a better solution? Only Easy-Ware allows you to see fundraising, box office and education involvement together for every constituent and across every family throughout your system.

Your donors can safely and securely give a single large amount or choose to make a smaller, recurring gift monthly, quarterly or annually. And, our full-service solution goes far beyond basic fundraising systems by allowing a patron to donate, purchase tickets, and/or register for a class or camp online – all at the same time.

Easy-Ware gives you the tools you need to help you reach and exceed your budgeted fundraising, box office and education goals

Know your constituents and their involvement

Track all personal and family information about your donors, record their complete giving and involvement history and understand how they relate to your organization and each other.

Easy-Ware’s unique family-data model allows you to record separate information about each family member, including children. Unlimited custom fields allow you to track everything that is important to your organization and your supporters.

It all starts with Easy-Ware’s comprehensive and thorough data conversion process. We make sure that all of your data is converted, no matter how complicated, without duplicates and with no data loss.

Not only can you easily see a person’s history and involvement, but Easy-Ware’s integration with DonorSearch or WealthEngine’s complete wealth prospecting tools (optional feature) also allows you to see what they are capable of giving.

Easily get the lists and reports you need

The key to successful fundraising is knowing who to ask, when to ask and how much to ask them for.

Easy-Ware has a variety of tools to give you insight into who gave when, how frequently they gave and, most importantly, what was given by either adult in the family so that no gifts are overlooked when asking for new donations or thanking donors.

Our comprehensive solution offers a unique combination of built-in reports and graphs coupled with a powerful, custom report writer for unlimited data analyses, mailing lists and labels, letters and invoices. Quickly produce mail-merge thank you and solicitation letters (LYBUNT, SYBUNT and more)  using Easy-Ware’s built-in word processor, and easily generate targeted mailing lists, labels or envelopes for your appeals – no matter how complex your requirements might be.

We understand that your definition of “giving” can vary depending on circumstance, time of year or reporting needs. Easy-Ware allows you to define giving however you need to, whenever you need to.

Running your business has never been easier. You can report on all financial activity for easy accounting of your fundraising efforts, know who owes you money, generate invoices for transactions, project cash-flows, and analyze projected versus actual income. Reports can be pulled on activity from any period, program or initiative.

Institutionalize Knowledge

Imagine every person in your organization having access to the same information, stop using unproductive and possibly out-of-date spreadsheets, be able to get critical donor information out of staff and board members’ heads and into a shared database.

Easy-Ware allows you to track unlimited categories, notes and interactions. Each and every data point is also date, time and user ‘stamped’ so that you know when it was created and when it was last modified and by whom. You can also create custom privilege levels which allow you prevent unwanted access or changes to your data.

For organizations with 3 or more users, Easy-Ware offers an unlimited user license package.

Maximize Income from Events and Auctions

Events are the fastest way to raise the most money, and with Easy-Ware, managing event income is simplified and complete for every type of fundraising event, including galas, auctions, golf outings and small walk-a-thons.

Our solution tracks all types of event income: ticket and table sales, sponsorships, auctions, paddle raises, ad and product sales and raffle tickets. And our online event registrations, with optional donation, can accelerate your ticket sales, getting you closer to your goals ahead of the event.

Live and silent auctions are no longer your biggest nightmare. Our system allows you to assign bid numbers that are used throughout the evening, allowing quick data entry and effortless check out for attendees with balances due at the end of the event.

Event income reports allow you to constantly evaluate results against your event goals and instantly know how much income you’ve taken in as soon as the auction closes.

Spend less time updating multiple spreadsheets and generating complicated thank you letters and more time identifying prospects, selling tables and reaching out to high-level donors and sponsors.

Stay on Top of Grants

Grant funding is a vital part of non-profit sustainability, and most organizations submit numerous applications per year, each with diverse requirements and multiple deadlines. Easy-Ware allows you to manage all grant activity, from applications and site visits to funding acknowledgement and final reporting.

Set reminders for each step in the process to make sure you never miss an application or reporting deadline. Stay organized and on target by managing your grant schedule in Easy-Ware’s comprehensive calendar.

Search your complete application history by initiative, grant maker, amount or outcome. Keep track of contacts with funders and maintain an electronic document library, making information more accessible to your grant writers.

Easy-Ware’s grant reports also make it easy to share expected foundation and corporate income, upcoming deadlines and projected cash flows with board members.

Double Your Money with Matching Gifts

Many companies match employee donations at ratios of 1:1, 2:1 and even 3:1. Keep track of employers that match gifts, and Easy-Ware will alert you each time you add a contribution that can be matched. It will also automatically sets reminders for follow up on donations with expected matches so you never miss a match opportunity.

Viewing and running report on matched and unmatched gifts is easy, and our online giving solution allows online donors to self-enter their employer’s matching gift information, ensuring that you never miss an opportunity to double your money.

Harness the Power of your Website

Your website is the most concise and effective vehicle to present your mission to potential donors and provides the easiest method of making a gift. Unfortunately, online giving is an often underutilized tool, and many development directors are not proud of their online giving forms so they don’t actively market these tools to their donor base.

We give you the tools to create online forms that do your mission justice. Our online forms are customized to the look and feel and branding of your website, so visitors won’t realize they’ve left your website to complete their transaction.

Our online giving solution has three advantages that help you raise more money online:
There is no limit to the amount of money your donors can give.
Your donors can safely and securely give a single large amount or choose to make a smaller, recurring gift monthly, quarterly or annually.
Donors can also inform you if their gift will be matched by their employer.

Donors can select to give a Recurring Gift, as well. In these difficult times, a lower monthly gift may be easier for your donors than a larger one-time gift and a strong monthly giving program can help improve your cash flow.

Easy-Ware also offers mailing list sign up form tools which can also be used for volunteer sign-up.

All donation and sign-up information gathered online is imported directly into Easy-Ware and merged with your existing data – saving you time and preventing duplicate records.

Simplify Memberships and Renewals

Membership programs are a central component of many non-profits’ fundraising activities. While an effective way to encourage giving and promote loyalty and involvement, there is a corresponding burden to manage renewals and differentiate membership gifts from other types of giving.

Our solution supports both annual and rolling membership programs and has a complete set of tools to help you sell and manage memberships and renewals. And, memberships can be purchased and renewed online via our online giving solution.

Easy-Ware can report on membership renewal rates, actual and projected income, and can help you generate custom renewal letters, e-mails or invoices.

Manage Major Gifts and Capital Campaigns

Major Gift programs can be the backbone of a successful individual giving program, but are often underutilized due to the time needed to identify and cultivate major donors and the overhead of following up on multi-period pledges. Easy-Ware reduces the challenges of a major giving program in several ways.

You can easily identify major gift prospects and set targeted asks based on past giving and/or levels of involvement or, if you choose to take advantage of them, DonorSearch or WealthEngine’s prospecting data.

Cultivate prospects by creating an action plan, assigning tasks and denoting next steps for each prospect. You can also assign up to four different solicitors and staff or board members per prospect.

Track the progress of each major gift by viewing all contact history and manage pledges with automated reminder letters, e-mails or invoices. Our system will even generate personal acknowledgements for pledges and pledge payments over multiple periods.

Easy-Ware allows you to assign gift designations for annual giving, general operating or specific programs such as endowment funds or capital campaigns. And with its comprehensive financial reporting you can quickly report on actual and expected income and calculate giving levels by designation.

Track In-Kind Donations

For many non-profits, in-kind product and service donations can be an important component of delivering your mission. No matter how critical in-kind support is to your program, all non-profits must keep track of and properly acknowledge these types of contributions.

Unlike many non-profit software solutions, Easy-Ware has all the features you need to track in-kind support and assign value where appropriate.

Make the Most of Volunteer Resources

Accomplish more by engaging your loyal supporters as volunteers. Volunteer time is a valuable non-profit resource that increases your effectiveness as an organization when coordinated efficiently.

With Easy-Ware, you can record volunteer availability, interests and skills for every member of the family and use this information to engage volunteers for ad hoc or more structured needs.

While Easy-Ware does not at this time support full-time, shift-based volunteer scheduling for volunteer-intensive non-profits, you can use our project management component to set up detailed volunteer schedules with projects and tasks for event-based volunteer management.

Our system allows you to search by availability, interests, skills, age, employer and location and match the right person to each volunteer opportunity.

You can easily convert scheduled volunteer time into in-kind service donations and use our batch entry process to quickly record volunteer time for ad hoc volunteer activity. By recording volunteer time as a contribution, you will better understand its economic impact on your organization.

Easy-Ware’s volunteer recognition reports make it very easy for you to identify volunteers who have exceeded specific milestones of cumulative volunteer hours so you have the opportunity to recognize the contributions of your dedicated volunteers.

Minimize Your Mailing Costs

Reaching out to your entire constituent base via direct mail is an essential fundraising tool, but it can be an expensive process.

Easy-Ware’s highly-effective duplicate prevention system and sophisticated mailing list creation tools eliminate duplicate recipients and multiple mailings per household, significantly reducing the unnecessary costs of mass mailings.

Duplicate prevention begins with thorough, detail-oriented data conversion and a special emphasis on eliminating duplicate records. Our Easy-Ware solution also includes an advanced de-duping tool that easily identifies potential duplicates and allows you to selectively merge duplicate records without losing any information.

To meet the US Postal Service’s requirements for bulk mailing, every non-profit must clean their database using a NCOA (National Change of Address) service on a regular basis. Easy-Ware provides an easy-to-follow process by which you can send your addresses to a mailing house or one of our optional wealth screening partners (DonorSearch or WealthEngine) for cleaning and then import the results.

Easy-Ware will also automatically update addresses to US Postal Service standards and gives you the option to add postal barcodes to envelopes, ensuring that each mailing reaches its destination quickly and at the lowest possible cost.

Simplify Your Bookkeeping

Easy-Ware is very accounting system friendly. You can set up your chart of accounts in our system and assign the proper accounting “account and class” to each transaction.

You can also use Easy-Ware’s “accounting summaries” to report on daily, weekly or monthly income results from your accounting systems point of view and, where appropriate, download some transactions directly into your accounting system (if supported – for example QuickBooks). These processes allow you to eliminate some duplicate data entry and save many hours of costly bookkeeping time each month.

Going the Extra Mile

Don’t see something you need? Easy-Ware offers custom development services to make sure you have all the features you need to fulfill your mission. We often don’t charge for enhancements that will improve our solution for the next customer. However, if you needs are fairly unique, like the rest of our product suite, our custom programming work is priced affordably.